Start this out (yes, finally) on the Right Foot

I just came across a saying that while it wasn’t new… it seemed to be so apropos considering my “vocation” experience thus far.

And remember: An amateur built the Ark. Titanic was built by professionals.

Like all proverbs and other bits of tasty wisdom, this can of course be abused by those who CHOOSE to hammer Truth (or even truths) and mangle the remaining pulp to fit their opinions of life. I think those creatures are called “Humans.”

If there is to be any underlying theme behind this blog it should be my brain dumping and attempting to sort out the clues and milestones along my own pilgrimage in life.

This is for me… and of course for those I love the most in a “stand on the shoulder of giants” way. It will NOT be a place to mindlessly bitch about politics, democraps, republicants, or any other group of senseless and spineless hypocrites who have proven with their CHOICES to only care about themselves and only in the short term at that.

In other words, as Dave Ramsey says, if you want to learn how to loose weight and be healthy you don’t take advice from an overweight person eating twinkies and greasy chips.

There are those who seek the way and then there are those who have deluded themselves into thinking they have the answers and know it all regardless of the rhetoric they spew. I choose to be the former which means admitting I am really the latter who needs help changing and getting out of that nasty habit (or paradigm if you like that better).

Well, one of my defining elements (Briana) is asking to watch Nemo… again (Somebody shoot me please!) but I would rather take the gang out for a drive and an ice cream cone… shouldn’t be TOO hard a job convincing her. She is afterall a very bright kid.

Published in: on Mon, 08 May 2006 at 01:10 C\th\GMT-0500  Comments (1)  